
4500 ASI and SMPTE 310M Converter and MPEG Transport Processor



4500 ASI and SMPTE 310M Converter and MPEG Transport Processor

  • Convert SMPTE 310M and ASI or ASI to SMPTE 310M for broadcast and transmission
  • Built-in signal analyzer detects Signal Presence, Program Packets, PMTPAT and PIDs
  • Deliver a pristine signal to your transmitter for optimum transmitter performance
  • Reference input used to correct the 310M symbol clock and remove jitter
  • Clock management for Single Frequency Networks (SFNASI/310M
  • CRC and Checksum data integrity testing
  • ETR 290 Compliant for both Priority 1 and Priority 2
  • Stream monitor alarms via TCP-IP, SNMP, RS-232 and GPI
  • Remote control and monitoring


The 4500 MPEG Transport Stream Processor works with both DVB-ASI and SMPTE 310M bitstreams. It provides stream content analysis with support for both Priority 1 and Priority 2 test protocols of the ETR 290 DVB measurement guidelines. As a converter, it can translate ASI to 310M or 310M to ASI. Using the reference input, the output bitstream can be synchronized to a video or 10 MHz reference signal.

The 4500 module is useful in broadcast and transmission applications. The built-in transport stream analyzer detects whether the input constitutes a valid signal by checking for PATPMT, and PID packets. In addition to the ETR 290 test protocols, analysis and data rate for elemental streams is performed. Alarms can be generated via SNMP, Avenue PC, and contact closure outputs.

The 4500 acts as a Time Base Corrector to remove jitter and adjust transport streams to the precise, desired bit rate. The reference input to the 4500 allows the use of either analog video or a 10 Mhz signal to synchronize the output of the module. This is of particular importance in broadcast applications where the quality of the symbol clock – both jitter and accuracy – bears directly on the modulation process.

Reference to the 4500 can be supplied from an Avenue 7400 or 9400 SPG with GPS Option in order to provide the ultimate clock accuracy. In this configuration, the 4500 is an ideal solution to frequency coordination for multi-transmitter systems like Single Frequency Networks (SFN) and mobile/handheld transmission services.

CRC and Data Checksum packet can be seamlessly inserted into the stream by the 4500 to provide data path integrity testing at downstream points. Monitoring of these special packets can be performed by a second 4500 or an Avenue 4450, 4455, or 7455 ASI/310 Protection Switch. Data Integrity history is carried forward through the system to facilitate fault finding. These CRC packets provide an unequivocal test of data integrity on a transmission link by transmission link basis. This is easier, more accurate, and less expensive than using a complex MPEG analysis tool to troubleshoot a data path problem.

Set the output of the 4500 module to the desired signal type, either ASI or 310M. The module auto senses what type of signal is on the input and converts as needed. Advanced configuration in the Avenue Control System allows choosing which services on the input are passed on to the output.

Controls are easily accessed through an Control Panels, Avenue PC, GPIs, or front edge module controls.

For critical signals paths, consider using a 44504455 or 7455 bypass protection switch.